Andromeda a study in charcoal- at the Met in NYC, Brian Keeler
Brian Keeler sketches from the marvel statue of 1694 by Domenico Guidi in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. Working in charcoal on toned paper he studies this mythological figurative work. Correction in Keeler's commentary (In the video) he states that Guidi was thought to be a contemporary of Caravaggio- Guidi actually lived at the end of the 17th century and the painter was active around the turn of 16th century into the early 1600's. And Piero di Cosimo was the artist who did an oil of this theme of Andromeda, not Cosimo Rosseli.
To see more of Keeler's drawings, he has a section in his website devoted to these; www,briankeeler. And for figure drawing and painting, his recent book, Light on the Figure is a 172 page compendium of his career painting and drawing people in many contexts; genre scenes, allegory, portrait, the nude and more. You may order this beautiful book from the website or email zingologyjazz@gmail,com